Wednesday, April 25, 2012

P90x 90 Day Challenge

Soo lately I have been feeling slightly out of shape and I know for sure my eating habits aren't the best.  I need to start a workout regimen that pushes me and makes me do the best workout I can. So.... I have decided to take the P90x 90 day challenge.  My boyfriend owns the dvd's and told me he will lend them to me, so I don't have to fork out all the money for them lol. My sister also recently bought the Brazilian Butt Lift Dvd's, which I will also be doing in conjunction with the P90x and yoga classes. My thighs and butt are my main concern, as I have a pretty flat stomach already, but it defiantly could do with some toning. My arms also could get a little stronger...

I plan to start P90x on May 1st, but will be working out everyday until then as well. I will keep you posted on my results and how I manage with the workouts. I am leaving for South Carolina on August 1st and am hoping to be in the best shape of my life, since I will be spending a lot of time on the beach! I will also be going to Vegas in August and know I will be spending a lot of time around pools! (if you haven't been to vegas before, it gets extremely hot there in August... around 50 degrees celsius and pool time is necessary!)

If anyone has had any good or bad experiences with P90x let me know! I'd love to hear your story!


1 comment:

  1. im feeling the same! ive got a month till my holiday and slightly panicking now!
    hope it goes well

